Web Font Styles

  • Schoolwires Styles


    Styles for web fonts can be found within the site manager, in the upper left hand corner when using your flex editor. There are 4 main preset styles used within this site. Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3 and Heading 4. Below we have defined how and when to use each:

  • Heading 1 - Arial Bold Size 5 (18pt)

    This is used to create a main header to your post.

    Heading 2 - Arial Size 3 (12pt)

    This is used to highlight the first paragraph of a post. Use it an "intro" in order to split up the page from having one size font throughout the page. 

    Heading 3 - Arial Bold Size 3 (12pt)

    Used for a sub-header within your page. The color to this is the same as Heading 1 

    Heading 4 - Arial Bold Size 3 (12pt)

    Used for a sub-header within your page. The color to this is the same as Heading 1