The way that CASH’s faculty and staff is organized has directly contributed to the school’s success. The leadership team is strong. The Head of School, Robin Lee, is a caring, proactive and supportive leader to all who have an idea. Her door is always open to both students and adults and she leads with a listening ear and open heart. Ms. Lee's resolve to know that CASH could do “better” for it’s students was the catalyst for ensuring that teachers develop relationally with each other and with our students. Ms. Lee pushes families as our first partners; without them, it is hard to create lasting academic success.
Assisting Ms. Lee is a strong and cohesive administrative and leadership team, as well as our school’s Instructional Leadership team (ILT). The instructional faculty for each content area come together to form a Professional Learning community (PLC). So while CASH has a rather traditional leadership structure: headmaster - administration team - ILT - PLC, there is no strict “chain of command.” Each group in this structure interacts and communicates with the other.

It is important to note that CASH moved from the Hyde Park Education Complex to its current location in the Grover Cleveland Complex during the summer of 2011. In the process of this move, the change in the geographic location resulted in a near 50% shift in the student population, thus creating a new school with new demographics and dynamics. Fortunately, as a result of a consistent leadership team, teaching faculty, and support staff, the school community was able to adjust and build on the professional practices in place.