C.A.S.H. ACADEMICSThe Community Academy of Science and Health's mission is to prepare all students from diverse backgrounds to pursue higher education studies and careers in the fields of Science and Health. Our mantra is: “Failure is not an option. Success is the only option.” This is the message that we live by and the message that we communicate to our students and their families every day to ensure that we all internalize the message and believe in their futures and the possibilities available to them.
As a community, our core beliefs and values are strong: everyone is respected and valued, everyone has ownership, everyone is accountable, and everyone does rigorous work. We have seen our students benefit from our community value system and the implementation of specific academic strategies. Over the past few years our students have made impressive improvements in Math and ELA MCAS scores, and other high stakes exams. With vast changes in our student population, from the number of students with special educational needs increasing to the number of students who are at risk of not earning a high school diploma also increasing, we understand this to be our challenge.
We are continuously revamping our practices to make sure we are meeting the very diverse and individual needsof our learners. We are committed to differentiation of instruction, assessing students' progress in a way that provides feedback which improves performance and supporting our students with wrap-around services to try and minimize distractions and maximize strengths and potential.
Contact Us
Head of School
Mr. Marques Simpson11 Charles Street
Dorchester, MA 02122
Phone: 617-635-8950
Fax: 617-635-8948