Before-School Program

  • The before-school program is an affordable program for all students in grades K1-5. Before school hours are 8:00am-9:15am. At 9:15am, free breakfast and regular school-day supervision begins.

    Financial assistance is provided on a case-by-case basis.
    Days: Monday - Friday  
    Hours: 8:00am - 9:15am
    Director: Deniere Watford-Jackson
    Address: Mendell School, 164 School St., Roxbury, MA 02119
    Price: $25 registration fee per family. Daily, Weekly, or Monthly payments are outlined in enrollment forms. Checks should be made out directly to Mendell Elementary School, and should be dropped off prior to September 8th.
    Program Availability: The enrollment forms can be emailed or picked up from the school.




Upcoming Events

  • There are no upcoming events to display.

Contact Us

  • Principal

    Qi Chen 



    164 School Street
    Roxbury, MA 02119
    United States

    Phone: 617-635-8234
    Fax: 617-635-8238

    6th grade Site

    3134 Washington St

    Roxbury, MA 02119