Friends of the Mendell, Non-Profit Corporation, supports The Mendell Elementary School’s curricular and cultural interests with special interest given to maintaining their successful inclusion education model. Friends of the Mendell raises funds to augment the school’s budget, work to build the culture at the Ellis Mendell Elementary School to ensure family engagement, and carry on any other charitable work.
The Friends of the Mendell Non Profit Corporation (FOTM) is the fiscal agent for the Mendell Elementary School’s Parent Council. It is organized as a 501(c)3 entity and is a public charity as determined by the IRS. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. The federal tax ID, EIN (Employee Identification Number), or TIN (Tax Identification Number) is 81-2367208. You can make a donation here:
Thank you for your support.
By mail:
Friends of the Mendell
C/O Ellis Mendell Elementary School
164 School St.
Roxbury, MA 02119
By email: