Family Resources
There are many opportunities for parents, guardians and families to get involved in the Mendell School.
- Families can access the Mendell Communication Hub, which is used for internal communication between Mendell faculty and families, and is ONLY accessible with the link. On the Mendell Communication Hub parents/guardians can access grade level sites and newsletters, school news, events, calendars and updates from Principal Chen Parent Council and School Site Council.
- Families can sign up for Mendell Email Newsletters. Email Taylor Anderson-Clemente at for more information.
- Families can join the Mendell Families Facebook page at
groups/mendellfamilies . The page is updated often with information, links, questions, and discussions about the Mendell and BPS. This is a closed group for Mendell families. - Families can join a Committee. See below for more information on Mendell School Committees.
Mendell School Family Committees
The following is a list of the committees and the chairs/contact people that are currently working to make the Mendell magic! All chairperson positions are subject to change annually. If you are interested in joining a committee, please contact your child's teacher or the Main Office at (617) 635-8234.
School Site Council-
The School Site Council is the decision-making body of the school around issues related to budget, hiring and school policy. Click here to learn more about the School Site Council.
Family Council- Amy Light (Fundraising Chair) and Kat Cooney (Events Co-Chair)
The Family Council supports the principal and teachers to provide a dynamic, nurturing, and challenging academic environment for all Mendell students. Click here to learn more about the Mendell Family Council.
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events to display.
Contact Us
Qi Chen
164 School Street
Roxbury, MA 02119
United StatesPhone: 617-635-8234
Fax: 617-635-82386th grade Site
3134 Washington St
Roxbury, MA 02119